Le Ceregne Bio: the videos

Le Ceregne Bio, panoramic video of the agriturismo

Agriturismo Le Ceregne Bio, video with drone

Oscar Green Italy 2013: Finalist for Italy Most Innovative Farm

Farmhouse Le Ceregne Bio  finalist Green Oscar Italy 2013 contest sponsored by Coldiretti Young honors the best and the most innovative farms and agritourism managed by young farmer!

Oscar Green Tuscany 2013 – Winner for Tuscany Most Innovative Farm

Farmhouse Le Ceregne Bio  winner Green Oscar Tuscany 2013 contest sponsored by Coldiretti Young honors the best and the most innovative farms and agritourism managed by young farmer!

Interview with Antonella chef of Le Ceregne Bio

By de Road of Flavours of Valtiberina Toscana, mom Antonella explains the typical recipes of our territory that we cook in the farm.

“ITALIAinCAMPO” TGR RAI3 Tuscany on Upper Tiber Valley at Le Ceregne Bio

A treatment of Rai 3 interview on organic and  eco friendly agriturismo.

Interview for RadioToscana a Giada Poggini about a farm Le Ceregne Bio

An interview on organic farm and agriturismo

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